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Chairman Speech


Chen Zhenghua: Member of Standing Committee of CPPCC of Jiangsu Province, Doctor of University of Minnesota, Adjunct Professor of Southeast University, Senior Economist

中國國際投資促進(jìn)會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)

Vice President of China Council for International Investment Promotion

中國國際交流協(xié)會(huì )常務(wù)理事

Managing Director of Chinese Association for International Understanding


Member of Standing Committee of CPPCC of Jiangsu Province

江蘇省僑商總會(huì )榮譽(yù)會(huì )長(cháng)

Honorary Chairman of Association of Overseas Chinese Businessman from Jiangsu Province

江蘇省華僑公益基金會(huì )會(huì )長(cháng)

Chairman of Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation of Jiangsu Province

馬來(lái)西亞蘇商總會(huì )會(huì )長(cháng)

Vice-chairman of Malaysia Jiangsu Entrepreneurs Business Association 

江蘇省企業(yè)聯(lián)合會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)

Vice-chairman of Jiangsu Enterprise Federation

江蘇省建筑行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)

Vice President of Jiangsu Building Industry Association

江蘇省建設工程承包商會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)

Vice-chairman of Jiangsu Construction Contractor Association

江蘇省建筑市場(chǎng)管理協(xié)會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)

Vice-chairman of Jiangsu Construction Market Management Association 

江蘇省蘇商發(fā)展促進(jìn)會(huì )副會(huì )長(cháng)

Vice-chairman of Jiangsu Sushang Development Promotion Association


Executive Committee Member of Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce


Chairman of Jiangsu Jinling Institute of Painting and Calligraphy

南京市僑商投資企業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )名譽(yù)會(huì )長(cháng)

Honorary Chairman of Nanjing Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association


Welcome to JPC official website.

在長(cháng)達半個(gè)多世紀的創(chuàng )業(yè)歷程中,江蘇省建得到了社會(huì )各界朋友一以貫之的關(guān)心、呵護和期望,成為幾代省建人頑強拼搏的精神動(dòng)力。

In its pioneering work of more than half a century, Jiangsu Provincial Construction Group Co., Ltd. (JPC) had received consistent attention, care and expectation of friends from all walks of life, which has motivated all people of JPC to work hard.

在這期間,我們有幸與一大批志同道合的同事互敬互勉、互補互助,大家在艱辛的創(chuàng )業(yè)中體味著(zhù)快樂(lè ),創(chuàng )造著(zhù)卓越,成為我們事業(yè)發(fā)展的堅實(shí)保障。我們有幸結識了許多中外合作伙伴,大家從互利共贏(yíng)的商業(yè)合作,成為志趣相投、風(fēng)雨同舟的朋友。正是由于他們的努力和付出,使得江蘇省建孕育出強大的市場(chǎng)拓展能力、杰出的項目管理能力和優(yōu)秀的可持續運營(yíng)能力。

We have been honored to have many colleagues with a common goal during this period, who have respected, encouraged, complemented, and helped each other, enjoyed happiness, and built projects of excellence, and laid down a solid foundation for our development. We have been honored to know many domestic and foreign partners, with whom we have become congenial friends, standing together through thick and thin in mutually beneficial and win-win business cooperation. Thanks to their efforts and devotion, JPC has acquired a strong capacity for market expansion, outstanding project management and excellent sustainable operation.


We hope more friends will pay attention to and participate in the development of JPC by promoting the cause of JPC and joining us to realize their grand ambition, lofty ideals and a brilliant future in the course of building “Centurial Jiangsu Provincial Construction Group”.

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